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Disenchanted With My Disorganized Life


My disorganized life had me feeling so disenchanted.
I knew I wanted to change.

But….my disorganized life made me so stuck, like wearing cement shoes, that change felt impossible!

  • Disorganized papers (in most rooms)
  • Toys creating obstacle courses (in most rooms)
  • Spending all of precious Nap Time searching for missing items/documents (in all rooms)
  • Rarely tidying the kitchen after breakfast, lunch or for dinner (most days)
  • Feeling inadequate as a wife or mother due to the visible and secret clutter (all days)

My disorganized life made me feel exhausted and overwhelmed. 

I felt as if I was climbing up a glass mountain.

Paradoxically, I could help anyone else get organized. With panache.


On the flipside of my disorganized life, for as long as I can remember, I was the one helping friends and family get organized.

At any job, I instinctively streamlined processes while organizing cabinets and bosses.

How could I be so good at organizing others, myself, not so much?

I thought of myself as a Creative! My disorganized life was just part of that.

A young mother of two, working from home, I was constantly moving with and after my boys, doing, giving, making…

I created 3D invitations of mini sleeping bags complete with pillows for my son’s 6th birthday sleepover party.

The pillow was glued onto a piece of cardstock that pulled out of the sleeping bag with all the carefully designed invite info.

My son thought they were “Sweet!” (as in awesome). 

I had no time to get my life organized! 

My disorganized life kept me from seeing it was the context of organizing that made the difference for me.

In my life, I was perpetually in survival mode.

Organizing others allowed me to be in helping mode.

It was helping, coaching, teaching, and giving that bridged my creative nature and my “superhero solution psyche”. 

I believe our curses are our blessings.

My curse of being personally disorganized ultimately led to my blessing of finding work I love.

When my husband left us; I hit bottom. I had to figure out how to crawl out of the financial and unfinished construction hole he left us in, care for my boys and my life …or lose everything.

For me, getting organized resulted in:

  • Saving our home, my children’s future education, and my sanity.
  • Making enough money to transform our house, an unsafe “tear down,” to a beautiful safe haven and home.
  • Letting go of anxious thoughts and the extraneous so I could gain a sense of self-acceptance and self-love
  • Gratefully uncovering my passion for helping others have better daily lives

Why a formerly “Not Born Organized” can help you go from disenchantment to organized, happier and more free!

It takes one to know one. I’ve been there.

I am a natural teacher, nurturer, and CPP–Certified Patient Person…(as per my clients.)

I spent years creating a flexible map to get myself organized. The result; I now successfully help clients go from a life of disorganization and chaos to a life of reassuring clarity. Change that supports their deepest desires.

I love what I do. I love using organizing as a practical, meditative method to make momentous inner and outer change for the people I work with.

How about you? Are you disenchanted with your life or a piece of it?  I bet getting even just one thing organized could help you see new possibilities. I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

I’m a mindset focused professional organizer. I help entrepreneurs, busy moms and attorney clients simplify their papers and spaces. Let me help you go from clutter bug to freedom.