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Holiday organizing tips to make your holiday jingle!

All I want for Christmas

…is to have holiday organizing tips and strategies so I actually have a happy holiday.

I love Christmas. However, if you are like me, you hate the stress, feeling overwhelmed, overbooked and blue from unrealistic expectations.

The month of December feels set to speed dating time. Eight minutes to the next must do.

Ding! Ding! Dress and makeup for a holiday party! Ding! Race to pick up wine for said party. Ding! Get this blog post written and posted. Ding! Happy New Year’s…

All I want for Christmas is to make your holiday less stressful and more fun, so keep a look in my post here for a FREEBIE Holiday Cookie Recipe!

Confession time

With so many holiday happenings clouding my mind and so much to set up, I confess there is one thing I have forgotten…every year.

We have an Italian Fontanini Nativity Scene. It’s a small one. Every piece counts.

The entire Nativity scene, rather ornate and beautiful, with depiction of the stable complete with doting Mary (she looks way older than 12 or 13), and an apparently open-minded Joseph, (forgive my irreverence, it is meant in cheeky fun). 

Three cherubim gaily ringing bells lay aloft the rooftop. Finishing out this tableau is Baby Jesus and a manger for Him to lay in.

But not until his birthday, December 25.

Several years of hiding baby Jesus behind the nativity stable, with the intention of retrieving him to lay him in the manager, on Christmas morning, would end in the discovery of the empty manger in January of the new year when I was packing away Christmas.

Baby Jesus just never seemed to make it for Christmas in our house.

It was a wee matter of my forgetting to rescue the baby from oblivion in his hiding place to lay Him in the manger, born the morning of December 25.

My aha holiday organizing tip this year

At our home, this year, Baby Jesus’s birthday is November 29. Yep, he’s already laying in that manger so he can be there in time for Christmas.

Our priest told us that Jesus was born in March or April anyway. So I think my taking organizing to the next level will be forgiven.

Moral of the story…

Tip # 1: Think out of the “manger!” Make any holiday activity easier.

Harried holiday mishap

By now you may have discerned that in our home, Christmas decorations are possibly a wee bit over the top. You’re right; we adorn the entire downstairs.

So many holiday decorations require holiday organizing extraordinaire to avoid holiday humbug.

One of our first Christmases in our home, our very full, heavy 7 foot Christmas tree – complete with fragile ornaments on the top and non-breakables on the bottom for our toddler’s pleasure – crashed over

Tip # 2: Invest in a majorly sturdy tree stand. Ours is cast iron with no tree mishaps since.

Tip # 3: To make any decoration on a shelf or wall secure, use double stick photo mounting tape.


I collect Santa figures, which have their once a year place atop the fireplace mantle.
It’s a Santa Mantle!

The boys have their Department 56 Snowbaby collection, displayed adorably on the foyer built-ins shelves along with…oh yeah, my other collection…snow globes.

Tip # 4: Box and label (by room) all collectibles together for ease of unpacking and storing.


Tip # 5: Allow yourself to say “No.” Do less, enjoy more.

Try forgoing Christmas cards this year. Bow out of one holiday party. Leave baking cookies to someone else.

Tip # 6: Decorate early. Actually take time to enjoy decorating and the finished décor.

Plus this gives you the excuse to perfunctorily dust surfaces with a feather duster because delicate ornaments are in occupation.

Tip # 7: Make it fun! Engage others to help.

Create a holiday jar with single tasks broken into small doable steps on paper that each helper draws to do his or her part.

“Bring all boxes marked “Living Room” into the living room. “Unwrap all living room boxes”. “Arrange Snow globe shelf.”

And bake cookies with your kiddos or a friend!

Savvy Storing

Tip # 8: Holiday Organizing strategy: Store user friendly. Consider storing lights, in these.


Tip # 9: Go vertical. Hanging in this instance will save you.


I lied. All I want for Christmas are comments below.

Tip # 10: Be Generous…bring me some holiday cheer! Leave a comment!

What’s your holiday humbug? Did you figure out a solution? Or ask for ideas and ye will receive creative suggestions.

Wishing you happy holidays full of blessings and laughter! And here’s a special gift from me to you and your family. This cookie recipe is a holiday tradition in our home — Enjoy! 


Hey there, I’m Jul’s Arthur, author of the book 25 Days of Holiday Organizing! I help women professionals & entrepreneurs STOP endlessly spinning their wheels stuck in anxiety and overwhelm with the chaos and clutter in their home, instead START simplifying, so everything has a place, they gain FREEDOM, CLARITY and easily manifest their DREAM LIFE. Let me help you go from chaos to FREEDOM.